Monday, May 1, 2023

The Most Efficient Exercises To Get In Shape

Summer is creeping up on us rapidly and are you ready for it.  Although we should be in shape and working to stay in shape year round, it doesn't always work that way.  In 2022, I traveled a fair bit and ended up putting on about 10 pounds so I was shocked.  First thing I did was invest in a couple of programs designed to help me get in shape over a 6 and 8 week period.  The programs had weights, cardio, crunches, and so much more. Last time, I checked my weight, I lost 15 pounds and I hope I'm able to keep it off.

So today, we'll look at the most effective exercises you need to get into shape.  Yes, it is a commitment because you should be committing to a total of 30 minutes for 5 days a week.  If you get started now, in about 6 weeks, you'll be ready for summer.

First up, it is recommended you look at doing HIIT or High Intensity Interval Training. HIIT is best for burning calories in a short period of time. It is basically having moments of high intensity moves alternating with a small recovery period.  HIIT can be done while running, spinning or jumping rope.  The great thing about this type of exercise is that it can make your body continue burning calories after the session is done.  

Another way to get in shape quickly is to utilize whole body moves so you are working all the muscle groups in one workout rather than trying to spread them out throughout the week. Think about doing pushups or planks when using this type of workout. 

Although HIIT workouts are awesome, they cannot be done everyday.  Instead think about alternating them with low impact workouts such as a Pilates class or a barre class.  Neither one is high impact but they can still get your heart rate up so you get a good workout.

It is important not to do cardio all the time because your metabolism will slow down and it becomes difficult to lose weight. One needs to incorporate strength training to build muscles which helps your metabolism.  There is research that indicates by doing regular weight training helps keep off abdominal fat over time.  In addition, if you change your warm-up to include dynamic bodyweight moves, it increases blood flow and improves your range of motion. 

Furthermore, it is better to use free weights rather than using machines because using free weights requires the use of more muscles in your body. Finally, remember to switch the exercises up so your body doesn't get used to the moves. 

The best break down of exercising is to do two days of cardio, two days of strength, and one day of HIIT for a five day workout schedule.  Remember, when it comes to strength training, you can use weights, a kettlebell, or rely on your own body weight. 

So combine cardio with strength and HIIT and you have a recipe for getting in shape quickly.  Let me know what you think, I'd love to hear.  Have a great day.

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