Monday, April 24, 2023

How To Get Glowing Skin Naturally.


The idea of having glowing skin has been with us for a long time.  We associate glowing skin with good health and most of us want to look as if we glow all the time.  I'm not talking about referring to sweat saturated skin but skin that glows without the use of makeup.  My sister always tried to sparkle but it was easier to glow.

Chances are, you'll look at the list and think but I already do that, or but those are the same directions I've seen before for this or that.  Maybe but are you following all the directions?  If you skin isn't glowing, it might be due to other factors.

To get glowing skin, you need a two pronged attack. One prong is using the right skin care products on your face while the other prong is your lifestyle.  

A quick rundown on things you need to do for  lifestyle leading to glowing skin begins with drinking enough fluids. When you drink water, your body absorbs it and uses it, this includes your skin.  You also need to make sure you get enough sleep every single night.  When you get enough sleep, your body produces more collagen, improves your skin, and gets rid of dark circles under the eyes.

Eat healthy foods high in antioxidants so you reduce acne breakout while keeping your skin healthy. These foods help promote skin wellness so your skin glows.  Add supplements of vitamin E, vitamin C, and vitamin A to brighten your skin, increase production of collagen, and protect the skin against free radicals.  

The other prong begins with cleaning your skin. It is important to clean your skin with twice a day with a gentle cleaner.  You clean in the morning to remove any impurities acquired at night, and at night to get rid of environmental toxins you are exposed to during the day.  You do not want anything to stay on your face too long.

Next, make sure you exfoliate your skin at least twice a week. Do not use a harsh physical scrub with ground up nut shells.  You want something gentle that will clean off the dead cells, get rid of a residue buildup, so your pores are not clogged.  You want either a gentle physical or chemical exfoliator to do this.  You don't want to accidently damage your skin by using something too harsh.

Follow cleaning with a nice toner to prepare your skin to absorb any serums or moisturizers. You want these to seep deeper into your skin for maximum benefit.  Furthermore, you should include Vitamin C in your skin care routine to brighten your skin.  Brighten does not mean make your skin whiter, it means making it more radiant.  Vitamin C also helps boost collagen production which helps cut down on the number of visible fine lines and wrinkles.  

Don't forget to use an oil free moisturizer both in the morning and in the evening.  When you apply moisturizer, it should be rubbed in using a circular movement of the fingers.  The moisturizer helps replenish and rehydrate the skin which makes it glow.

Take time about once a week to use a hydrating face mask.  They can really help hydrate your face while improving skin texture.  I love using the liquid saturated face masks because they feel so great and they make me slow down so I spend time on myself.  The vital one is to make sure you apply sunscreen every single day, even if its cloudy outside.  You can get a bad sunburn on an overcast day so protect you skin.

Don't get lazy and skip over one step or the other.  You want to do everything you can to have the best skin possible throughout your whole life.  Let me know what you think, I'd love to hear.  Have a great day.

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