Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Maintaining Brain Health


Many of us take time to make sure we eat right, exercise regularly, hydrate, and focus on our overall health but the one aspect we often forget to think about is the health of our brain.  There is research available that says as long as we keep our brain active as we age, we can avoid or delay all those senior moments that take over our lives.  Today we'll look ways to keep our brain healthy for the rest of our lives.

One of the most important things you can be doing is to exercise regularly.  There are studies that show if you exercise regularly, you are less likely to experience a mental decline and have a lower risk of developing Alzheimer's.  This is due to the increased blood flow you experience during exercise.  It is strongly recommended that you exercise several times a week for 30 to 60 minutes at a time for the most benefit.

One needs to get enough sleep every night.  There is a theory that abnormal proteins disappear from your brain while the brain consolidates your memories. This helps boost your memory and brain health.  It is recommended you get between seven and nine ours of consecutive sleep each night. You do not want the sleep broken up into chunks because that does not give your brain enough time to clean itself and consolidate memories.

In addition, it is important to indulge in a good healthy diet such as the Mediterranean diet. People who follow he Mediterranean diet have a lower risk of getting Alzheimer's. It is known that the omega fatty acids in Olive oil and other healthy fats appear to help essential cells to function.  In addition, healthy fats also help increase your mental focus, and slow decline of mental function.

Since your brain is like a muscle, you have to exercise it regularly by keeping it active.  Indulge in Sudoku, crossword puzzles, reading, card playing, or working jigsaw puzzles to keep your brain active.  Think about cross training your brain by doing several of these activities rather than focusing on one. In addition, don't watch much television because it is a passive activity that does very little to stimulate the brain. 

Furthermore, stay socially active.  It has been found that social interaction helps stave off depression and stress which are major contributors to memory loss. Find ways to connect to others for social interaction because when you are alone your brain tends to atrophy and wither.  By staying socially active, you keep your brain active and in shape.

Finally, keep your heart healthy since those same factors are important for your brain health.  Make sure you keep your blood pressure low, cholesterol numbers down. keep your consumption of alcohol down to no more than one drink a day for women and two drinks a day for men and do not smoke.   Follow these rules and you'll keep your brain healthy and active.  Let me know what you think, I'd love to hear.

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