Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Golden Days Parade part 2

 This wonderful paddle wheeler float was put together by the pioneers of Alaska.  Every year, they have a float filled with people who belong to this group.

Further back is Everett's airplane float.  Its a small airplane put on wheels to remind people  they haul freight to bush communities and have for many long years.

Alaska is served by a bunch of small airlines.  A few carry cargo only but others carry both passenger and freight.  Very few carry only passengers.
 This is the portable jail which is a fund raiser for the chamber of commerce in Fairbanks.  You can buy tickets to have people put in or you can pay to stay out.  They earn money both ways.

Usually, you see this jail being hauled around town at this time of year since Golden Days is a week long celebration so the chamber of commerce takes advantage of it.

During the parade, there are saloon girls and lawmen riding in it, on it, or walking around it.  I do not believe it comes out again till next July.
 Several of the local community service groups such as the Blood Bank of Alaska come out to remind people they are here.  In addition to the blood bank, the Mammogram center and one of the pregnancy centers also had floats scattered through the parade.

I try to donate blood when I can.  The last time I tried, I was in phoenix and I could not because the temperature got to hot for the mobile unit to handle it.  They had to close down.
 Even local businesses have floats. This one advertises some sort of amusement place with rides and other entertainments.  I saw this head off and it was cool because several young ladies encased in bags of cotton candy walked the route passing out candy.

I believe this dragon  ride is one of the rides offered at the place.  This is a good reminder of a home grown place because the fair starts in another week or so and there will be tons of rides there to compete.

I don't know who this car represents but it reminded me of Back to the Future movie.  In the back window, I saw the sticker "Back to Alaska".

Sometimes individuals enter just because they want to and of course local politicians enter, especially if it is an election year.  I saw one politician but he's getting a huge head start for next year.

This year, they changed the regulations just a bit for minors.  Anyone under the age of 18 had to have a form signed by only one parent instead of two.

This is the float, I played on.  I play with the Fairbanks Community Band during the summer when I'm in town.  Its an all volunteer group and you do not have to be fantastic to join.  You just have to love music and enjoy yourself.

The band had about 40 musicians spread around the flatbed with the drums in the center, facing the director.

As we approached the beginning hour of 10 am, we began to tune up and practice one last tune.  When we finished, two other groups began to warm up.
 To the left there was Shag, a musical singing group, belting out "I will Survive" while the bagpipe group on the right played "Rising on the Moon". 

It was interesting listening to the two numbers competing with each other.  The guy who sits next to me leaned over and said "I will survive the rising of the moon."

In this picture you can see what I saw as I stood in front of my seat to take a picture.  Our float was #24 in the line up so we'd get done sooner.

To the front, one sees the trumpets, saxophones, the director, drums, then off to the flutes, clarinets, and other light woodwinds.  I play with the french horns.

This picture was taken looking back at the trombones, tubas, and other brass instruments.  Usually the low brass including french horns are on the other end so we normally face forward but this time we faced the rear.

It was a strange feeling watching everything move the wrong direction.  The weather was great, with little wind so no one froze.  It wasn't too hot either.  It was just right.

I realize that was a take off on Goldilocks and the Three Bears. 

I hope you enjoyed the few pictures.  Tomorrow I am on to something else.  I'm hitting the road again, heading to Woodland Hills for a few days so I hope to take pictures down there and share some of the cool events with everyone. 

Let me know what you think.  Have a great day.

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