Thursday, October 17, 2024

7 Types Of Walking: A Guide to Boosting Your Health And Well-being

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Everywhere you look, some program or some person is recommending walking as one of the best ways to stay healthy.  Walking is a simple yet effective form of exercise that can offer numerous benefits for your physical and mental health. But not all walks are created equal. The type of walking you choose can significantly impact your overall fitness and well-being. Time to look at the different types of walking to see which one is best for you.  

First is power walking.  Power walking is classified as moderate to high intensity.  It improves cardio vascular health, burns calories and strengthens muscles.  It is best for anyone who wants a more vigorous workout, lose weight or improve overall fitness.  For power walking, you want to walk at a pace that makes you slightly out of breath but you are still able to carry on a conversation. Power walking includes having you swing your arms back and forth while they are slightly bent at the elbows.

Then there is brisk walking which is classified as a moderate intensity activity. It also improves cardio vascular health, strengthens muscles, while reducing the risk of chronic disease and it is best for people looking to increase their levels of physical activity and improve overall health. Brisk walking is less intense than power walking but it involves people walking at a steady fast pace so you get your heart up.

If you would prefer something different, look at engaging in Nordic walking.  It is considered a moderate to high intensity activity. It engages upper body muscles, improves posture while enchanting cardiovascular health.  It is best for people with joint pain, for those who want a full body workout or for those recovering from injuries.  Nordic walking combines the benefits of walking with elements of cross country skiing.  You need to get Nordic walking poles because they are specifically designed for this activity and have different features than traditional hiking poles. Stand tall with your shoulders relaxed and your core engaged.To begin, push off with your poles, alternating sides and coordinating your arm movements with your leg steps. Nordic walking requires a strong core to maintain balance and stability.

If you have the right countryside, consider hill walking.  It is classified as high intensity and improves cardiovascular fitness, strengthens lower body muscles, and challenges endurance.  It is best for people looking for a more challenging workout or for people training for endurance events, or as a way to increase bone density. Hill walking involves walking uphill, which provides a more challenging workout than walking on flat ground. If you live in a flat area, you can also reap the same benefits by increasing the incline on a treadmill to simulate walking uphill.  You can also take the stairs instead of an elevator, or add resistance by carrying weights while to walk as a way of increasing the intensity.

Then there is interval walking with alternates between high and low intensity. It improves cardiovascular fitness, boosts metabolism, while increasing endurance.  It is great for people with limited time, or those who are wanting a more challenging workout or if you want a change of pace.  Interval walking is quite easy to carry out.  First you need to decide on a specific time or distance for your high-intensity and low-intensity intervals.  Begin by doing a few minutes of light walking as a warmup to prepare your body. Walk at a brisk pace for your high-intensity intervals, followed by a slower pace for your low-intensity intervals. Finish your workout with a few minutes of light walking to allow your body to gradually recover.

If you need something different, think about doing a walking meditation.  It is considered low intensity but it reduces stress, improves mindfulness, and promotes relaxation.  It is best for those who are seeking a mindful and calming activity, those who have anxiety or those who want to improve their mental well -being. Walking meditation is a simple yet powerful technique that combines the physical act of walking with the practice of mindfulness. It involves paying attention to your body, breath, and surroundings in the present moment. To do a waking meditation begin by choosing a peaceful location where you won't be disturbed. Take slow, deep breaths and notice the sensation of the air moving in and out of your body. Observe your surroundings without judgment. Notice the sights, sounds, smells, and sensations of your body. If your mind wanders, gently bring it back to your breath.

Finally, think about nature walking.  The intensity depends on the terrain you walk on.  Nature walking is great for reducing stress, improving mood and allow you to connect with nature.  It is great for people who need a relaxing and rejuvenating activity, for those who have anxiety or depression or of those who enjoy the beauty of nature. Select a natural area that you enjoy.  Take your time and appreciate the beauty of your surroundings. Pay attention to the sights, sounds, smells, and textures of nature and focus on the present moment and let go of any worries or distractions.

When choosing the best type of walking for you, consider your fitness level, goals, and preferences. A combination of different types of walking can provide a well-rounded approach to improving your health and well-being. Remember, the most important thing is to find a walking routine that you enjoy and can stick with in the long run. Let me know what you think, I'd love to hear.  Have a great weekend.

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Morning People vs. Night Owls: Fact or Fiction?

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There has always been the practice of classifying people as being a morning person or a night owl.  A morning person loves getting up bright and early but is often in bed by 10 while night owls don't go to bed until late and stays in bed through much of the morning. 

The age-old debate of morning people versus night owls has intrigued scientists and laypeople alike for centuries. Are these simply personality quirks, or is there a biological basis for our preferences? To answer this, we have to look at the science behind these two distinct chronotypes and explore whether the morning person versus night owl dichotomy is a myth or a reality.

Our internal clocks, known as circadian rhythms, regulate various bodily functions, including sleep-wake cycles. These rhythms are influenced by both genetic factors and environmental cues, such as light exposure. Individuals with a genetic predisposition towards early rising are often referred to as "morning people" or "larks," while those who naturally gravitate towards later sleep-wake cycles are known as "night owls" or "owls."

Several studies have identified specific genes associated with chronotype. For instance, the gene PER2 has been linked to early rising, while the gene DEC2 is associated with delayed sleep-wake phases. These genetic variations can influence the timing of our internal clocks, making some people more inclined to be morning people and others to be night owls.

Both morning people and night owls have their own unique advantages and disadvantages. Morning people often report feeling more energized and productive in the early hours of the day. They may also have a better chance of getting sufficient sleep, as they tend to go to bed earlier. However, early risers may struggle with social activities that take place late in the evening.

Night owls, on the other hand, may find it easier to concentrate and be creative during the evening and night hours. They may also enjoy socializing and attending late-night events. However, night owls often face challenges with sleep, as they may have difficulty falling asleep at a reasonable hour.

While it's tempting to categorize people as either morning people or night owls, the reality is that most individuals fall somewhere in between. Our chronotypes can also fluctuate over time, influenced by factors such as age, stress, and lifestyle. Additionally, cultural and societal norms can play a role in shaping our sleep-wake patterns.

It's important to recognize that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to sleep. What works best for one person may not be ideal for another. The key is to find a sleep schedule that aligns with your natural chronotype and allows you to get the rest you need to function optimally.

In conclusion, while the morning person versus night owl dichotomy is a popular concept, it's important to view it as a spectrum rather than a strict binary. Understanding the biological basis of chronotypes can help us appreciate the diversity of sleep patterns and make informed choices about our sleep habits. Let me know what you think, I'd love to hear.  Have a great day.

Sunday, October 13, 2024

The Power of Quiet: Why You Need It And How To Find It.

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 I am traveling and I've been lucky to be near parks. or botanical gardens so I can just pop over, find a bench, and enjoy the beauty and quietness. Unfortunately, in our increasingly noisy world, finding moments of quietness can feel like a luxury. Yet, the benefits of quiet time are undeniable. They range from improved mental clarity to reduced stress thus quiet can be a powerful tool for overall well-being.

The benefits of enjoying quiet help us stay healthy. Quiet can reduce stress because nose can elevate cortisol levels, the body's stress hormone. Quiet environments, on the other hand, can help lower cortisol, promoting relaxation and reducing anxiety. It can also improve your focus since noise can be a significant distraction, making it difficult to concentrate. In quiet settings, the mind often wanders less, allowing for deeper focus and increased productivity.

Quiet can enhance certify because quiet contemplation can stimulate creativity. When the mind is free from distractions, it's easier to generate new ideas and think outside the box. Furthermore, quiet is good for getting better sleep. It is known that exposure to excessive noise before bed can disrupt sleep patterns. A quiet environment can help you fall asleep faster and enjoy more restful sleep.

Some days it is difficult to find quiet in a noisy world since you can't always head over to a serene park or find a secluded room. Fortunately, there are ways to create quiet moments in your daily life.  It is possible to create a quiet space in your home to act as a quiet zone.  It is important to keep it clutter-free while minimizing distractions.  Incorporate the practice of mindfulness.  Mindfulness meditation involves focusing on the present moment without judgment. Even a few minutes of mindfulness can help calm the mind and reduce noise sensitivity.

If you're  surrounded by noise,  use some noise-canceling headphones  as they can be a lifesaver. The headphones  can block out external sounds, allowing you to enjoy some peace and quiet.  Go for a walk in an area with nature since it is a wonderful way to escape noise and stress. It has been found that even a short walk in a nearby park can provide a much-needed respite.

Practice digital detox by limiting your screen time, especially right before bed.  The blue light emitted by electronic devices can interfere with sleep and contribute to feelings of anxiety.  If you struggle going to sleep  due to noise, consider using ear plugs or a white noise machine. These can help block out unwanted sounds and promote a more restful sleep.

Remember, quiet time doesn't have to be lengthy. Even short bursts of peace and quiet can have a significant impact on your well-being. Make it a priority to incorporate more quiet moments into your daily routine, and you'll reap the benefits for years to come. Let me know what you think, I'd love to hear.  Have a great day.

Thursday, October 10, 2024

The 10 Worst Fitness Trends of 2024


If you follow the news, you know that there are always the latest trends for fitness splashed across the news, ticktock, or other social media.  While some trends can be beneficial, others may be ineffective or even harmful. Here are ten of the worst fitness trends of 2024, along with reasons why they should be avoided:

1. Extreme fad diets -  Crash diets and restrictive eating plans often promise quick results but can be unsustainable and harmful to your health. These diets may lead to nutrient deficiencies, muscle loss, and disordered eating patterns. 

2. Overtraining - Overtraining can lead to injuries, fatigue, and a decline in performance. It's essential to listen to your body and take rest days to allow your muscles to recover. 

3. Miracle Supplements - There is no magic pill for weight loss or muscle gain. Many supplements are ineffective and can even be dangerous if not used properly. 

4. Excessive Cardio - While cardio is essential for overall health, excessive amounts can lead to overtraining and hinder muscle growth. A balanced workout routine should include both cardio and strength training. 

5. Spot Reduction - The idea that you can target specific areas of fat for weight loss is a myth. Fat loss is a full-body process that requires a combination of diet and exercise. 

6. Infomercial Workout Programs - Many infomercial workout programs are ineffective and can be misleading. It's important to research programs before investing your time and money.

 7. Extreme Challenges - Attempting extreme challenges like the "plank challenge" or the "100 burpee challenge" can lead to injuries and burnout.

8. Over reliance on Gadgets  - While fitness trackers and other gadgets can be helpful, they should not be the sole focus of your workout routine. The most important thing is to find activities that you enjoy and that keep you motivated. 

9. Trendy Workout Classes - Just because a workout class is popular doesn't mean it's effective. Choose workouts that are appropriate for your fitness level and goals. 

10. Ignoring Proper Form Using improper form during exercise can increase your risk of injury and reduce the effectiveness of your workout. It's important to learn proper form and technique from a qualified trainer.

If you avoid these fitness trends, you can stay safe, healthy, and achieve your fitness goals in a sustainable and effective way. Remember, the most important thing is to find a workout routine that you enjoy and that fits your lifestyle.  Let me know what you think, I'd love to hear.  Have a great weekend.

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Healthy Snacking.

Unfortunately, snacking has often been classified as something you shouldn't do because it can lead to weight gain, loss of fitness, and so much more. In fact snacking is often viewed as a guilty pleasure, but when done mindfully, it can be a valuable tool for maintaining a healthy diet and supporting overall well-being. Healthy snacks can provide essential nutrients, boost energy levels, and help you manage hunger between meals.

Benefits of healthy snacking include boosting your nutrients because it is  a great way to incorporate additional nutrients into your diet. Choose snacks that are rich in vitamins, minerals, and fiber. In addition, a  healthy snack can provide a quick energy boost to help you power through your day as long as they are high in complex carbohydrates and protein. Snacking can help you avoid overeating at meals and prevent cravings for unhealthy foods. By choosing satisfying and nutritious snacks, you can control your appetite and maintain a healthy weight.  Eating regular, healthy snacks can help you stay focused and alert throughout the day.

It is important to remember that snacks should be healthy. Look at fresh fruits and vegetables since they are packed with nutrients and fiber. Choose a variety of colorful options to ensure you're getting a wide range of vitamins and minerals. Include whole-grain crackers, bread, or cereal for a satisfying and filling snack.  Don't forget to that nuts and seeds are a great source of healthy fats, protein, and fiber but you don't want to overdo their consumption. Choose unsalted varieties to control sodium intake.

Furthermore, Greek yogurt is a protein-packed snack that is also a good source of calcium and probiotics. Fix hard-boiled eggs as they are a convenient and nutritious snack that can help you stay full and satisfied. Remember, hummus is a delicious and healthy dip that can be paired with a variety of vegetables for a satisfying snack.

To keep your snacks healthy, prepare them in advance to avoid reaching for unhealthy options when you're hungry. Portion each snack to avoid overeating. Pay attention to your body's hunger and fullness cues. Stop eating when you feel satisfied, not stuffed.  Instead of eating processed foods all the time, choose whole, unprocessed foods whenever possible. Finally, stay hydrated. Always drink plenty of water throughout the day to stay hydrated and avoid mistaking thirst for hunger.

By incorporating healthy snacks into your diet, you can improve your overall health and well-being. Remember, the key to healthy snacking is to choose nutritious options and listen to your body's hunger cues. Let me know what you think, I'd love to hear.  Have a great day.

Sunday, October 6, 2024


Streetwear, a fashion subculture that originated in the United States in the 1980s, has evolved into a global phenomenon. Characterized by its laid-back, urban aesthetic, streetwear blends elements of hip-hop, skateboarding, and streetwear culture to create a unique and distinctive style.

What sets street wear apart? Streetwear is more than just clothing; it's a lifestyle. It's characterized by its casual, comfortable, and often oversized silhouettes. Common streetwear elements include:

  • Graphic tees: T-shirts with bold graphics, logos, or slogans.
  • Sneakers: High-top sneakers, particularly those from brands like Nike, Adidas, and Jordan, are a staple of streetwear.
  • Hoodies and sweatshirts: Hoodies and sweatshirts are comfortable and versatile pieces that can be dressed up or down.
  • Hats: Snapbacks, beanies, and bucket hats are popular streetwear accessories.
  • Denim: Jeans and denim jackets are essential pieces in a streetwear wardrobe.
  • Accessories: Accessories like backpacks, chains, and sunglasses can add personality and style to a streetwear outfit.

While streetwear originated in the United States, it has spread to cities around the world, with each region developing its own unique style.

  • Japan: Japanese streetwear is known for its bold, experimental style, often featuring oversized silhouettes, bright colors, and unique accessories. Brands like Bape, Supreme, and Comme des Garçons are popular in Japan.
  • United States: American streetwear is characterized by its laid-back, casual aesthetic. Brands like Nike, Adidas, and Supreme are popular in the United States.
  • United Kingdom: UK streetwear often incorporates elements of British subcultures, such as grime and punk. Brands like Palace, Supreme, and Nike are popular in the UK.

Streetwear has had a profound impact on the fashion industry. High-end fashion brands have increasingly incorporated streetwear elements into their collections, blurring the lines between luxury and street style. Additionally, streetwear has played a significant role in popular culture, influencing music, art, and social media.

Streetwear is more than just a fashion trend; it's a cultural movement that reflects the values and attitudes of a generation. Its influence can be seen in everything from the music we listen to to the brands we wear. As streetwear continues to evolve, it remains a dynamic and exciting subculture that continues to shape the fashion landscape. Let me know what you think, I'd love to hear.  Have a great day.

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Dressing for Your Body Shape: A Guide to Flattering Outfits

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Once you know what type of body you have, it becomes easier to dress in a way that flatters your figure and boosts your confidence. Today we'll look at some specific suggestions of clothing for each common body type to give you a starting point if you aren't sure what to buy.

Pear Shape

  • Top: Opt for tops with volume, such as ruffled blouses, peplum tops, or jackets with shoulder pads. This will help balance your broader hips.
  • Bottom: Straight-leg or wide-leg pants and skirts can elongate your legs and create a more balanced silhouette.
  • Avoid: Tight-fitting pants or skirts that cling to your hips and thighs.

Apple Shape

  • Top: V-neck tops, wrap dresses, and empire-waist dresses can help draw attention to your legs and minimize your midsection.
  • Bottom: Straight-leg or wide-leg pants can create a balanced look.
  • Avoid: Tight-fitting tops or dresses that accentuate your waistline.

Hourglass Shape

  • Top: Wrap dresses, belted jackets, and fitted tops can accentuate your curves.
  • Bottom: Pencil skirts, bootcut jeans, and flared pants can complement your hourglass figure.
  • Avoid: Overly baggy or shapeless clothing that hides your curves.

Rectangle Shape

  • Top: Belted tops, wrap dresses, and peplum tops can create the illusion of a waistline.
  • Bottom: Bootcut jeans, flared pants, or A-line skirts can add volume to your hips and create a more feminine silhouette.
  • Avoid: Overly loose-fitting clothing that can make you appear boxy.

Inverted Triangle Shape

  • Top: V-neck tops, scoop-neck tops, and wrap dresses can help balance your broader shoulders.
  • Bottom: A-line skirts, flared pants, and wide-leg jeans can add volume to your hips and create a more balanced silhouette.
  • Avoid: Shoulder pads or bulky tops that can make your shoulders appear even wider.

Remember, these are just general guidelines, and personal preference plays a significant role in choosing the right clothing. Experiment with different styles and silhouettes to discover what works best for you. By understanding your body shape and dressing accordingly, you can enhance your appearance and boost your confidence. Let me know what you think, I'd love to hear.  Have a great weekend.