1. Ireland and Scotland is where the original Halloween is reputed to have begun as part of the Celtic festival Samhain and other rituals.
Today, they celebrate Halloween with huge bonfires, games, and a traditional fruitcake containing buttons, coins, and rings used to foretell the future.
2. In Mexico, they celebrate Dia De los Muertos, or day of the dead where they honor those who pass on. It is believed the gates open of Heaven open at midnight on October 31, so the spirits of the children can come visit family members for a period of 24 hours while the adults wait till November 2nd.
3. For the past twenty something years, at the end of October, people come to Kawasaki, Japan to participate in the Kawasaki Halloween parade. It is the biggest parade in Japan but you can't just pop over to join the parade, you have to apply two months in advance so organizers have a chance to determine if you meet their strict guidelines.
4. In the Philipines, they celebrate Pangangaluluwa, a holiday where children go from house to house, sometimes in costume, singing and saying prayers for those stuck in Purgatory. Over the years, trick or treating has invaded the celebration but people are trying hard to return to the original holidays.
5. In Poland, people celebrate Dzien Zaduszny in early November. People travel to cemeteries across Poland to visit the graves of their relatives. On the first day, they celebrate with candles, flowers, and prayers for those who passed on while on the second day, they attend church services for the souls of the dead.
6. In Italy, people celebrate Ognissanti by placing flowers on the graves of those who have died, both family and strangers, beginning a couple of days prior to November 1st. They turn graveyards into colorful flower displays of color. In addition, they place a red candle in the window and a setting at the table in the hopes the spirit of the departed will visit.
7. In Germany, they hide knives so the returning spirits will not accidentally hurt themselves. They also attend masses for the dead to remember them by.
There are many other places that celebrate a remembrance for the dead at other times of the year including one that lasts 6 months every two years. These are the major ones found around October 31st.
Let me know what you think. I'd love to hear. Have a great Halloween.
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