Friday, October 9, 2020

How To Make Your Exercise Routine More Fun!

I realize it is hard to think about exercise as being fun for most people but there are ways to make it less of a chore and more enjoyable.  It takes some creativity and a willingness to do things a bit differently. I also want to make it clear that not everyone should do every exercise but they can make life more interesting if you can do it.

In addition, most of these can be done inside or via social distancing which is needed in these times of the coronavirus. 

1.  Handstands are recommended because work all the muscles from the core to the muscles such as the rotator cuffs that stabilize our bodies.  Doing handstands also helps develop the upper body because  that is the part of the body that helps you balance on our hands.  

2. Push-ups are another great exercise for developing the upper body by working .  In addition, push-ups can strengthen the lower back and work core muscles. Furthermore, push-ups can be done everywhere without any equipment.  It is recommended that a person vary the type of push-up done.

3. Rings are a great way to help build strength and build lean muscles by hanging.  Sometimes the closes rings are over at the playground where you could go and use them early in the morning before the young ones arrive.  Furthermore, using rings can help build upper arms, a bigger chest and wider shoulders in males.  If you haven't done rings since you were ten, you might want to start by just hanging from the rings and working your way into doing pull-ups.  If you want to do anything more exotic, check out videos for instructions on doing push-ups with long rings, etc.

4. Jumping rope can help burn calories while improving coordination, and improves heart health.  It also helps build muscle strength and can be done indoors with just a length of rope.  In addition, it can help you have a great workout in a short period of time.

5. Get together with a friend in a park or a back yard and play with  a ball or a frisbee.  Throw the ball or frisbee back and forth, or kick the ball back and forth just like you did when you were kids.  If you want to recreate your childhood, you could even play tag or just chase your friend around.  If you don't have a friend, take the kids out to chase or run with each other.  If all fails, take your dog out for a run with you or borrow a friends dog if you don't have one of your own.

6.  Throw on some music and dance, dance, dance.  Dancing can burn up the calories while giving you a chance to have fun.  It is easy to put together a list of favorites in a playlist on  Spotify or your digital device so it plays about 20 to 30 minutes.  Invite your kids or friends to join you once a week for a dance party.  

7.  Walking is so good.  It is not hard to just get out and walk, walk, walk.  One can walk around the block, around the park, over to the mall, around the mall, down the beach, up the mountain, by the lake, by the canal, or just out. Its best to aim for at least 20 minutes with a friend, by yourself or with a dog. 

I love to walk and I tried jump rope but the one I bought was actually meant for a kid and not for an adult so it was a bit short and uncomfortable.  I do push-ups sometimes but I'm still working on keeping my body straight.  Let me know what you think, I'd love to hear.  Have a great day.

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