Monday, August 29, 2022

Bubble Baths

Growing up, I loved bubble baths because the bubbles were so fun to play with.  You could create hairstyles using the bubbles, create facial hair, and so much more.  It was wonderful for the imagination but as I got older and bigger, I lost interest in taking baths.  I think it has to do with I never had the time I needed to just relax.  There was always something more that needed doing.

Now I've reach a point where I have time to enjoy a bubble bath.  I prefer making my own since I'm sensitive to certain scents and when I make my own I can choose the scents I have no issue with.  Although bar soap has been around since the 1200's, bubble baths are fairly recent.

In the early 1900's people created bubble baths using the bubbles from bars of soaps but someone discovered that by using soap flakes, more bubbles could be created in their baths.  Soap flakes became the primary ingredient for bubble baths.  In 1936, the American play"The Woman" presented  a woman taking a bubble bath as part of it.  Then in the 1940's, scriptwriters put bubble baths in TV shows, plays, and movies because they could conceal clothed actors and actresses and have them look naked. At the same time, more people began taking more bubble baths.

In 1950, three women appeared on the cover of Time magazine.  They were shown from the top of the breast up and the rest was cloaked in bubbles.  By 1959, bubble baths were heavily marketed because someone invented a powdered bubble bath and several different companies released their version including Mr Bubble.  These companies marketed bubble baths towards parents and children by creating the image of a trouble free bath time that was now fun.  In the early 1970's Mr Bubble released the first liquid bubble bath and by the 1980's bath bombs hit the scene.

What is nice is that it is easy to make your own bubble bath and it can be done using ingredients you have at home.  The first recipe uses 1/2 cup of liquid hand or body soap with one tablespoon of honey and one egg white mixed in.  Once the mixture is throughly mixed together, pour it in to the water, under the faucet as you are filling the tub.  The honey helps keep your skin hydrated while the egg white helps bubbles last longer.

Another recipe has you mix equal parts of water and Dr Bonners unscented pure Castile soap.  Add in Black Sea salt until the liquid is at the constancy you want.  You need enough so the bubbles form and the black salt is great for moisturizing dry skin.  If you do have dry skin, you might want to mix 1 cup of light oil such was almond with 1/2 cup honey, 1/2 cup liquid hand soap or pure Castile soap, and one teaspoon of vanilla.  Mix it together, and use as any other bubble bath.  If you want, you can add a couple drops of scents such as lavender, citrus, or flowery depending on what you want.

The best way to make sure you have a great bubble bath is to begin by cleaning out the bathtub because any soap scum or other left over product could interfere with the formation of the bubbles. When using a home made bubble bath, do not expect lots and lots of bubbles.  Although floating flower petals seems so romantic, it will not add anything to the bath and they can be so difficult to remove from the bathtub.  

Remember to take a bit of time for yourself and a bubble bath is one way to do that.  Let me know what you think, I'd love to hear.  Have a great day. 

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