Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Lifting Weights For A Cardio Workout.


I was trying to remember where I came across something about using weights to get a cardio workout.  It might have been one of my DVD's or it might have been an article but I know it impressed me.  I suspect everyone of us wants a workout where we can get the most value out of each and every workout. 

 You could also combine resistance band training, HITT, circuit training, and plyometrics  with compound moves from kettle balls, dumbbells, or even the weight of your own body to work your heart, increase your strength, build lean muscle all in one workout.There is research to indicate that when both cardio and weights are combined, people are less likely to die.

For many folks, they do cardio to exercise the heart and weights to build muscles but it is possible to get a cardio workout while doing weights. One way to do this is to cut down on the length of time between repetitions.  

For instance, if you wait three minutes between each set of bicep curl, wait only one minute or even just a few breaths.  Keep pushing so you don't have time to rest.  It helps you burn more fat and you feel as if you are on a cardio machine at the same time you are lifting.

Another thing to do is throw in a cardio element between sets of weights to really get the heart pumping.  You could do several jumping jacks, jump rope, or other exercise that has you moving.  So do your bicep curls, 20 jumping jacks, do upright rows, 20 running in place, etc.  

Think about doing circuit training to work your whole body.  Circuit training is defined as combining resistance or endurance training with high intensity so that you build muscle at the same time you do cardio.  All the exercises in circuit training use multiple groups of muscles while getting the heart pumping.  Examples of exercises for circuit training include push-ups, squats, step-ups, stomach crunches, or kettle ball lifts.  

This type of exercise is known to help people break through plateaus that seem to plague us on our journey through life.  For best results, combine resistance training with continuous movement, remember to include rest so your body is able to rebuild muscles, choose exercises you enjoy, eat properly, and lift heavier weights.  Let me know what you think, I'd love to hear.  Have a great day.

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