So today, we'll explore ways to keep you working out through the holidays, even when you'd rather put it off. One thing that helps is keeping the right mindset. Promise yourself that you will workout, no excuses and stick to that promise. Don't make excuses why you can't do it. If you don't feel as if you can workout after you are done working for the day, do it before you go in or head out for a nice long walk during lunch. Grab a friend or your dog and hit the trails for a nice long walk. Don't let anything get in your way.
Make sure you have a schedule, one that lists all your parties, work, and include your workout sessions. If it is on your calendar, you are more likely to actually get it done. I have a spot in my daily routine for a 30 minute workout and I do it. If I don't have it written down, I am more likely to skip it because it's not written down. In addition, if you are traveling, you have a chance to download videos, look to see where the gyms are located where you'll be, or look for walking routes. I know someone who is a digital nomad and she is always looking for a gym in the new place so she can continue training.
Arrange to have a workout buddy who will hold you accountable to workout with them and vice versa. It is harder to decide to skip working out when you are doing it with someone. This also makes it easier to stay motivated. Furthermore, even if you and your workout buddy are separated during the holidays, you can ask each other if you've worked out. Don't forget, there is Skype if you want to do it at the same time.
This might be the perfect time to check out the local gym if you haven't been there. Working out in a group can be motivating because it makes it into a social experience. You could also check out things like volleyball or basketball games since both require you to move a fair bit.
If you can't workout due to traveling, throw a jumprope or resistance band in your suitcase and when you hit your hotel, look on Youtube for videos that you can workout to. If nothing else, find videos that have you rely on body weight because you don't need to have any equipment. As far as exercising while traveling, I have spent many a time walking around airports and exploring them in detail. I can tell you where just about every pet stop is inside the Sea-Tac Airport and where the closest one is outside the Reno Airport just from walking around.
Finally, think about why you are exercising. Are you doing it to help reduce your stress, keep your weight off, or stay in shape? Remember why and encourage yourself to keep at it. Let me now what you think, I'd love to hear. Have a great day.
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