A huge storm is moving eastward, blanketing the land in tons of snow, shutting down everything from schools to airports, the roads to the highways.
This morning on the news, the huge storm there made the news. Apparently, there has been so much snow already, that people in many states are told to stay home and not even venture out because the roads are already a total mess.
The airlines have already started canceling flights and have gone so far as to cancel flights tomorrow because they expect the weather to continue so this is a preventative measure. The idea is to keep people from going out into the nasty weather and to keep people from piling up at the airports. In Washington DC, one inch of snow apparently paralyzed the whole town.
One time, I was back east in Virginia visiting relatives. There had been snow the night before, about 1 inch, the school district decided to cancel school. I was shocked but the explanation was simply they did not have snow plows in the area.
I suspect this may be part of why everything is shut down besides having a total dump of snow. Many places do not have the proper equipment. Did you know a front end loader or road grader could be used to clear the roads? They use those in parts of the west and in Alaska.
My friend in TN keeps complaining that our storm got loose and came down to her, could we take it back? I told her she stole it and needs to return it. We laugh about this because every time she gets
Years ago, I lived in Colorado. A storm blew in that closed down everything including the airport except for the sports team. People did everything they could to take the team on snow machines etc to the airport to a special plane so they could get out. I tell you the editorial column was filled with complaints from people who couldn't get out that day.
In the meantime, I'm enjoying the beautiful weather here while I watch the news and see everyone who is stuck.
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