Friday, May 28, 2021

Best Rate For Walking.

Summer has come and in most places in the northern hemisphere, temperatures are rising and the longer days bring a cheeriness missing during winter.  It is time to head outdoors to take full advantage of the beauty.  This is the time to enjoy a nice walk around the neighborhood.  I have a couple of real choices for nice long walks but one tends to be mosquito laden while the others have me walking by a noisy highway.  

It is said that the average adult walks at a speed of 3 to 4 miles per hour or about one mile every 20 minutes but the actual speed depends on a lot of factors such as level of fitness, age, sex, and your height.  I don't walk that fast because my walking partner has a physical disability and can't get to that speed so we take it as fast as he can but when I'm by myself I generally go about that speed.

In addition, there are other factors such as age.  When a person is in their 20's they are more likely to walk about 3 miles per hour but as they age, their top speed drops to just over 2 miles per hour by the time they reach their eighties.  Furthermore, women tend to walk a bit slower then men at all stages of their lives.  

Usually, experts suggest one use a brisk pace but they don't state an exact speed because a brisk pace varies from person to person.  The best definition of a brisk walk is when a person walks faster than they normally do so both the heart and respiratory rates increase. In other words, a person should be slightly breathless or a bit sweaty at the end of the walk.  Some experts will say a brisk walk is 100 steps per minute or 3 to 3.5 miles per hour but that is only if you are in extremely good shape.  I prefer the first definition because it fits everyone.  My mother walks quite slowly so her brisk is my slow stroll and my brisk leaves her way behind.

A brisk walk is classified as moderate exercise which is what is suggested for everyone.  In fact, it is recommended everyone spend at least 150 minutes per week participating in moderate exercise. In addition to helping your breathing and heart rates, a brisk walk can also help other systems in your body.  It also improves our memory, heart health, and helps keep weight under control.  Furthermore, walking faster means a person has better mobility which helps a person be healthier.

If possible make sure part of your walk takes you up hill or up an incline because that helps a person's health.  If you happen to live in a flat area where there are no hills, find a building with stairs and walk up and down them to make your walk a bit more challenging. I've got a nice hill about two miles from my house so I walk up it and then back down before I head home.  

One way to improve your ability to walk is to just do it.  Start with a short walk and just go a few steps further past where you want to turn around or stop.  Each day continue walking just a bit further to increase the distance and improve your fitness level.  I usually set a goal of a place such as the power pole at the top of the hill or the elder home at the turn.  I don't worry about distances such as one mile, I prefer to look at places as my goal.

Take advantage of the warmer, sunnier weather and enjoy a walk around the neighborhood.  Look for the hidden flowers, listen to the birds, and enjoy the wind as it tickles your ear.  Let me know what you think, I'd love to hear.  It doesn't take long before you'll find yourself walking miles.  Have a great day.

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