Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Reasons For Guided Meditation.


Last time, I discussed guided meditation.  I looked at what it was and general reasons for doing it but today, we'll look at specific reasons.  These reasons are backed by science so guided meditation is not a passing fad.

First of all, several studies indicate that guided meditation helps reduce assorted symptoms of anxiety. In fact, it has been found that those who regularly meditate are more calm.  There is one study showing those people who participated in guided meditation tended to experience more reduced symptoms of anxiety than those who only took a stress management course.

Second, guided meditation helps people mange stress so much better.  When you are stressed, the hormone cortisol increases, causing issues such as a weakened immune system, cause arthritis to flare up and more.  The right guided meditation experience can lower blood pressure, and reduce the resting heart rate.

It can also improve relationships because one is more willing to accept a partner's quirks without getting upset.   This leads to increased satisfaction within the relationship.  This is great because we need to interact with people.  We need the social aspect of humanity.  Furthermore, guided meditation can help us process our emotions.  This is great because we often don't know how to process certain emotions, so this side effect can help us so we don't get too stressed.

In addition, most people participating in guided meditation, experience fewer negative thoughts, and are less likely to eat due to emotional stress.  One side effect of emotional eating is an increasing waistline but it can also cause raised blood pressure, fatigue, and low self esteem.

Furthermore, participating in guided meditation tend to sleep better. There is less chance of your mind being active, thus keeping you up all night.  It also boosts creativity so you have more ideas and feel more inspired in all you do.  It also boosts your attention span so you can focus on work for longer periods of time.  In addition, it helps improve your memory so you remember things better.  

Guided meditation is also extremely easy to start.  So if you aren't doing it, think about starting it.  It's not hard.  Let me know what you think, I'd love to hear.  Have a great day.

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