July 4th in Alaska is not celebrated in quite the same way as most places do. Yes, in a small town just outside of Fairbanks, there is a parade consisting of small entries that might resemble things from an earlier age. There are no High School marching bands, no pretty cheerleaders, no floats in the traditional sense. There was a small wheel barrow brigade decorated in noxious weeds to show people plants they needed to eradicate. There are usually representatives from the 5 or 6 recognized political parties.

There are prizes given out by judges who can be bribed if offered a local beer or other treat. Come evening, there are no fireworks. There is a simple reason for that. If it doesn't get dark, it is hard to fully appreciate the colors. Fireworks are saved till New Years Eve. If you prefer a more traditional parade, Golden Days has it and that parade has the marching bands, roller blades, fire trucks, various ethnic groups, etc. that is due to happen in a couple of weeks.
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