I am referring to the pampering yourself so you can totally relax and find yourself. Most days my idea of pampering is finding an extra minute in the shower or spending a couple extra minutes in bed but that is about all.
I'm actually at work today so I can get a bunch of things out of the way and have the next two days for me. I plan to sleep in till 9 AM, which is late for me. I intend to walk out on the tundra and immerse myself in the quiet. In other words, I want to recharge my self so I'm ready for work again on Wednesday.
The problem with having a nurturing soul, is you want to make sure everyone else is taken care of first. If you don't get time for yourself oh, well. There is always tomorrow but think about it. Tomorrow never comes because you are always focused on everyone else.
They say to be healthy we need to establish a balance between our minds, bodies, and souls. Unfortunately, I seldom have time to address all three since I put myself last. I'm not saying we should become selfish and always put ourselves first but we need to find time during the day to address all three parts of ourselves.
Most of us have our bodies covered through good eating and exercising. I know I take steps to eat right. Where I live, we don't always get a wide selection of fruits and vegetables so I order a box of organic fruits and vegetables every two weeks. I have been enjoying cantaloupe, seedless black grapes, plums, peaches, apples, oranges and mangoes in addition to fresh salad and my usual vegetables. I have my exercise penciled in from 6 to 7 PM 5 nights a week.
As for the other two, I love to use a sauna to sweat my worry and toxins out of my body so I feel almost new again. I walk a lot but I do not consider it exercise. I use it as a time to listen to the wind, enjoy the scenery and just spend time away from everyone so i can rejuvenate my soul. I don't get to do it enough.
That leaves my mind, so I do play games that challenge my mind and give me a break from thinking about work. I read books to carry me away to other worlds. I sometimes even put on a show that allows me to think about things that I can't do right now but allow me to learn. I put on gardening DVD's so I can enjoy it in the middle of winter and learn something for the future.
I need to take better care of myself but I am only human. I hope you all find time for yourselves. Enjoy the day and remember to take time for yourself.
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