Early recipes are a mystery to most women in today's world. Look at this cake recipe with its unique way of listing things.
If you read the following recipe, you'll note it tells you to warm the creme but that ingredient is not listed anywhere in the ingredients list.
"Cake Bread.
Take one Gallon of flowre, two pound of Currans, and one pound of butter or better, a quarter of a pound of sugar, a quarter of a pint of Rose-water, halfe an ounce of nutmeg, & half an ounce of Cinnamon, two egs, then warm cream, break the butter into the flower, temper all these with the creame, and put a quantity of yest amongst it, above a pint to three gallons, wet it very lide, cover your Cake, with a sheet doubled, when it comes hot out of the Oven; let it stand one hour and a half in the Oven."
I couldn't tell you what temperature the oven is supposed to be set at. This recipe is from the mid 1650's for cake. This next recipe is from the 1800's for buns. If you check it out, you'll see it doesn't give any information about cooking in the oven.
One cup of milk, one cup of sugar, one cup of yeast, flour to make a batter. Let it rise over night, then add one-half cup of melted butter, a cup of sugar, flour to knead it and let it rise again, then roll and cut into cakes, and let it rise again." I assume one bakes it in a hot over.
In 1896, Fannie Farmer changed all this when she published her first cook book. This cookbook used the standardized measurements we are used to in today's recipes. What makes this even more interesting is that Fannie Farmer suffered a stroke that paralyzed her left side.
Over the years she improved to the point she was able to enroll in the Boston Cooking School and complete the program with such excellent marks she was offered the position of assistant director of the school. Two years later, she became the director. While director, she published the first edition her Boston Cooking School cookbook and there were 21 editions of this cook book published before her death.
She established her own school upon resigning from the Boston Cooking School which was designed to teach housewives how to cook rather than preparing them to be teachers. In addition, she stressed cooking practice rather than theory and she used standardized measurements in both her cookbooks and her courses.
In addition Fannie Farmer wrote a column on cooking for a publication for ten years. In the later years of her life, she suffered another stroke but that didn't slow her down in that she continued lecturing from her wheel chair. She gave her last lecture ten days before she died in January of 1915.
This is a copy of a recipe from the 1918 edition of her cook book and you will notice how detailed it is compared to recipes in the late 1880's.
Water Bread
2 cups boiling water | 21/2 teaspoons salt |
1 tablespoon butter | 1/4 yeast cake dissolved in |
1 tablespoon lard | 1/4 cup lukewarm water |
2 tablespoon sugar | 6 cups sifted flour |
We can thank Fannie Farmer for making cooking easier for most of us. Let me know what you think, I'd love to hear.
Lee, I grew up with lots of British cookery books with measures like "a knob of butter." As a recipe developer and food writer, I write recipes with very precise measurements and detailed directions so that cooks of any skill level can get good results. These old recipes you've included here are fun to read, if not to cook from!
ReplyDeleteThank you for stopping by and reading this. I have replica's of several old cookbooks and they are so fun to read.
DeleteInteresting! You might enjoy reading about this new project that was inspired by measurement. A mathematician/chef wondered why you can't measure small amounts accurately in a measuring cup. He used his math skills and designed one that can. I participated in the kickstarter and just got mine.It's cool! https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1075898346/euclid-a-more-accurate-measuring-cup
ReplyDeleteI had not heard of that one but I'm going to have to check it out. Thank you for sharing and thank you for stopping by. Have a great day.
DeleteThis was very interesting I love old recipes. Thanks for sharing on Bloggers Pit Stop. Hope to see you next week.
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