Friday, January 14, 2022

Body Cream Or Body Lotion?


Since it's winter, you might be thinking about using a cream or a lotion to help keep your body hydrated and moisturized but you might wonder what the difference is between the two.  You might also wonder if one is better than the other or would both work?  You want to make sure the choice you make is right for you so that you fight your dry, cracked, skin.

A body cream is that it is thicker with more moisturizing ability than a lotion so it is better for your dry skin in the winter.  Usually a body cream contains more oil and less waters it is thicker than the lotion and often is stickier due to the higher oil content. Sometimes the body cream is made so it is 50% oil and 50% water and it often takes longer to be absorbed into the skin.

Furthermore, it provides a protective barrier between the cold weather and your skin, locking in moisture. It is great for helping your cracked and dry skin and due to its thickness, you won't need as much as you would if you are using a lotion.  Furthermore, body butters are considered a type of body cream due to their thickness. Usually body butters contain shea, mango, cocoa, or palm butters and might contain avocado or coconut oils.  Body creams or butters are strongly recommended for hands because they are always being exposed to hot water, detergents, or household cleaning products.

The body lotion does the same thing as body cream but it is thinner because it has more water than oil. It is best for maintaining the moisture level in your body once you get rid of all the cracked and dry skin. Furthermore, body lotion is recommended if you have a mild case of dry skin where you just need a little moisturizing power.  

Since it has more water than oil in its formulation, body lotions do not penetrate as deeply into the skin and you will need more to get the same penetration as a body cream.  In addition, the formula has a less greasy feel than the cream.  If you have oily skin, it is suggested you use a lotion since it is less oily.

When you go shopping, you can look for anything that says body lotion or body cream. Either of these can be used all over your body, including your hands and feet but don't use them on your face.  Look for a cream or serum specifically designed for you face otherwise your pores may become clogged.

One thing you can do to increase the ability of your skin to absorb the cream or lotion, is to exfoliate it first. In addition, exfoliation helps give you smoother skin.  When you exfoliate first, you get rid of dead skin cells that might normally clog the pores of your skin. 

So now you know whether you should be using a body cream or lotion and why.  Let me know what you think, I'd love to hear.  Have a great day.

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