Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Jumping Rope For Exercise While Traveling.

Since I travel so much right now, I've been looking at easy ways to workout.  Unfortunately, not everywhere I stay has a gym as part of the facilities so I've been checking out different ways to exercise that can come with me.   

So far, I've downloaded workout videos so I can do aerobic workouts but I need others so I looked at jumping rope.  The nice thing about a jumping rope is that it folds up quite small and fits in a pocket in my backpack or a corner of my suitcase.

Jumping rope is considered an aerobic workout. The nice thing about jumping rope is that it can maximize your workout in a few minutes. In addition, it helps to maintain and improve both your cardiovascular health and muscle strength.  When you jump rope regularly, you also improve your coordination, agility, and balance.  Furthermore, jumping rope can increase bone density thus helping prevent osteoporosis.

There is no right kind of shoe to wear when jumping rope but shoes designed for  cross training or HITT have lots of cushioning to absorb the impact when your feet hit the ground. When you actually workout, choose a surface that provides cushioning for your joints such as a suspended wooden floor, or something like a gym mat or rubber tiles over a hard floor.

The jumping rope you want should have some weight to it so you have a bit of time for your jumps and you are less likely to trip on the rope especially if you are just starting out. It is recommended to use one that is 1/4th of a pound for beginners and is better than a flimsy rope.  If it doesn't have the bit of weight, you won't feel the rope as it goes around your body, making it harder to judge the location of it.  In addition, the best length of rope is about 3 feet longer than your height.  To check, stand in the middle of the rope and the ends should come up to your armpits or shoulders.

When you begin jumping rope, do the work from your wrists rather than involving the shoulders, otherwise you will tire faster.  Keep your elbows close to your body. Be sure to land on your toes rather than your heels or you might strain your joints and try not to bounce twice between swings. When you jump, keep it low rather than trying to go high off the ground.  When you jump one to two inches off the ground, you are in position to jump when the rope comes around next time and it improves ankle stability.

If you are a beginner be prepared to start small and work up to the longer workout times. They suggest bursts of 20 to 30 seconds as a beginner and lengthen it out to bursts of 60 seconds when you become better at it. As a beginner, they suggest working out only for one to three minutes.  As you get better, you'll lengthen the time until you are working out for 15 minutes and then head for a 30 minute workout.  No matter how long you workout, you should jump rope, three times a week.

These are two workouts you can do:

1. The jump rope circuit workout - This uses just one rope.  You jump slow for one minute, jump fast for the next minute, then jump 30 seconds on your left leg, followed by 30 seconds on your right leg, and one minute of moving your feet in and out like a jumping jack.  Repeat 3 times.

2.  The jump rope strength workout.  This workout uses two different weighted ropes.  Use a two pound rope for the first circuit, a one pound for the second but if you are new, you can use the rope you have for both circuits.  For the workout you will do the move for 20 seconds followed by a rest of 40 seconds.  The moves are a basic jump, pushup, basic jump, squat lunge, and basic jump.  Rest for 30 seconds before repeating.  The whole workout takes 11 minutes.

If you want to just jump rope, this site has a list of 15 jumps you can use complete with videos showing how to perform the jump properly.  If you are interested in incorporating the jump rope into a regular workout, the internet has lots of suggestions.  Let me know what you think, I'd love to hear.  Have a great day.

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