Parking can be found anywhere.
Yeah, I know they say put a flag or something on your antenna so you can find it. You ever try it in a huge parking lot???? That flag disappears into the background and there is no way you can see it. Especially if a bunch of other people do the same thing!
Even small places have parking issues. This picture was sent to me by someone out in the middle of nowhere Alaska. It is the parking lot in front of the school. Notice how everyone carefully stayed out of the handicapped parking.....LOL
The parking lot is not too bad on this day. I've been there on a day when it is bumper to bumper parked snow machines or 4 wheelers (ATV's). The school made an announcement, the day I was there, to please move all snow machines and 4 wheelers around to the side to free up the front. I think the plow needed to get through. It sometimes looks like the picture of bicycles.
I heard when the NEAP folks came out to test the 4th and 8th graders the person called ahead of time to find out where she could rent a car and where she should park once she got to the school. She was told they would pick her up (by snow machine) and parking was not an issue.
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boot sucking mud |
Understand that under all that snow is dirt. Not just any dirt, but a fine silty dirt that turns really slick and greasy when it gets wet. It turns into the type of mud that sucks at your boots and tries to hold on so they slip off your feet. Yes! I've actually seen it happen.
The area in front of the corporation store can be worse than what you see in the picture. This picture is around 3 PM on a Saturday. If you go around 5 PM on any week night, you'll see people come to a stop and jump off their machines kind of like a cowboy who rides in and leaps off his horse to run into the building. They look almost the same.....LOL.

Tomorrow read about skipping water and swamping!
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