Friday night, the gym was about 3/4 filled with parents, relatives, and visitors. There weren't as many visitors as usual due to the rivers not being frozen solid so people were unable to snow machine over and the river is just iced enough, you can't boat over.
The competition was fantastic. The night started with a middle school vs the staff game. The staff won all the games but the middle school put up a great defense. When the actual games started, the local school won the first two games, the visitors the next two so it came down to the fifth game due to winning best three out of five. The final game is only 15 points and it came down to the end when the local school won 15 to 13.
All through the games, the sophomores were in and out trying to set up a haunted house in the high school wing as a fund raiser. I think they were getting it ready for Sunday but they had already decorated the cafeteria for a dance on Saturday night. No, I didn't chaperone it because I cannot stand loud music and they tend to play it so loud, the whole building shakes.
The evening ended around 9:00 and everyone went home till ten the next morning. I showed up around 9:45 because I fill out the score sheets for all competition volleyball games. Few people showed up for this game since 10 am is a bit earlier than they like. The game started off well and about 25 minutes into the game, we received notification the plane was about 2 hours early.
Out here, most flights for traveling teams are charters but the charters come when they do. Unfortunately, they do not call ahead to notify you if they are early or late. They just announce they are a few minutes out. So the girls finished the game, the visitors scurried to change into their winter gear, pack, and hop in the back of a truck to get out to the runway. They didn't have time to check the room for anything they left.
Next weekend, the school is hosting a huge wrestling tournament with teams from all over the area. I expect something like 8 teams with both male and female members, requiring 12 to 16 rooms. They will probably arrive Thursday and Friday morning so the event is able to start as soon as school ends. There will be matches running on two different mats from about 4 pm on till late.
The next morning, wresting will begin again bright and early and continue till late afternoon or early evening. Some group will plan a dance for both the students and visitors so they can have a wonderful time to cap off a long day. The next day, planes will arrive and leave with great regularity as teams head home.
It doesn't matter how well the tournament is planned because the weather might just refuse to cooperate by snowing or sending in a blizzard. Its happened before. An event has been scheduled, the weather has changed to something horrid and no one could fly in. It happens. It also happens that everyone gets here and the weather changes so nothing flies for several days.
We've had teams that traveled and were gone for a week due to weather conditions. At first, they couldn't return because we had a blizzard followed by high winds and when it cleared up here, they got hit by a storm. Everyone had to wait for both ends to be clear.
I am looking forward to the tournament because I am one of the people who fills out the score sheets, so I'm there a long time and I usually get to do the score sheets for the final matches. I have fun doing it.
I hope you enjoyed this view into life in the 50th state. Let me know what you think. Have a good day.
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