Monday, June 13, 2022

Matching Your Makeup To Your Outfit


Today you decided to wear a bright pink outfit with a black shirt but when you go to do your makeup, you suddenly realize you aren't sure what color or colors you should use on your eyelids.  You've decided you want to coordinate your makeup with your outfit so how do you go about it?  There are four rules you can follow so your makeup goes well with your outfit.

The first rule is to stick to one color palette when you decide to match your makeup to your outfit but you need to be careful as you try to coordinate your makeup with a bold outfit.  If you use a bold color on your face while wearing a bold shade, it could prove disastrous. When wearing a bold outfit, try a light hand for lipstick and mascara with a complementing shade of eye shadow.   Try to play down facial features when wearing a bold outfit.  If you wear outfits in the more neutral colors, you can wear bolder makeup.

The second rule is to distribute colors throughout the whole outfit.  Rather than trying to match your lipstick to your dress, try matching your lipstick to your accessories such as your shoes or your purse since your accessories are generally in a coordinated color.  The final result looks more polished when you match a small area of the outfit rather than the majority of it. If all else fails select a complementary color to go with the dress and accessories.

Third, do not go overboard trying to match everything because it is so easy to go overboard.  It's fine to match certain colors but try not to do a whole outfit and makeup in two colors.  Rather than going with your enthusiasm, take time to plan the outfit and the makeup you wear with it.  If you decide to wear bold eye makeup, pair it with a more neutral outfit but if you have bold clothing, remember to match your makeup to your accessories to keep from going overboard.

Finally know your makeup.  Remember that lipstick always makes a statement. If you wear bold colors, choose a pink or neutral lipstick but if you wear jeans and a shirt, you can choose a berry, red, or even orange to draw attention. In addition, keep in mind the various finishes so you end up with both the right color and finish to make the right statement.  

Next, never match your eyeshadow to your outfit however, you can choose a shade that goes well with the outfit.  If you wear a bold outfit, look at a gold, soft pink, or beige eyeshadow however you can choose a brighter eyeshadow as long as its a complementary color.  On the other hand, if you decide to wear something more low key with shade of grey or black, think about going with a smokey eye. 

Blush follows similar rules to eyeshadow in that blush should not match the outfit.  It is important to know which shades of blush go well with your complexion rather than trying to match your outfit.  So you know have tips to match your makeup when you wear a bold outfit.  On Wednesday, I'll be discussing working out in extremely hot weather because a part of the country is undergoing heatwaves where records are being broken.  Let me know what you think, I'd love to hear.  Have a great day.

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