I have used it in the past for a fixing rips in baby mattresses (A cat clawed it) and for shortening dance pants so they'd stay up during a recital. I also know its used on ducts so when I saw this list, I really was surprised.
Apparently, duct tape was created back in World War II when the military needed a waterproof, cloth based tape. It was developed by a subsidiary of Johnson and Johnson. and used on ammo cases to keep them safer.
It actually was suggested by a woman who worked with ammo boxes in a munitions factory and had two sons fighting in the war. At that time, a paper tape was used to seal the boxes but it didn't always open right and that created other problems. She suggested using a cloth based waterproof tape but her bosses wouldn't implement the idea so she wrote the president. He liked the idea and the rest is history.
So its time to share the information, so we can all learn something new.
1. It can be used to open a tightly sealed jar.
2. It can be twisted into a cord.
3. It can be used to make a splint, a butterfly bandage, or hold a gauze pad over a blister.
4. A length can be hung down from the ceiling to catch flies.
5. Tape around the bottom of pants so water doesn't seep up during wet time.
6. It can help prevent glass windows from shattering during a storm. (I wish I'd known about this one during the last cyclone I was in.)
7. It can be used to hide a small key on the underside of the car.
8. Models can be created out of it. Models such as X-wing fighters, etc.
9. It can be used to create a wallet. Instructions on the internet. You can also make phone cases, bags, etc from this material
10. Create flowers out of duct tape.
There are lots of other uses and with just a search, you can find a multitude of uses. Enjoy.
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