Its May which means I take my first my first airplane trip in about two weeks. I'll head up to Fairbanks and get there late in the evening. I think I have two weeks there before I take my first long trip over to Hawaii. Its actually for business but I've scheduled a couple days over there to relax and get more pictures for my blog.
I think I'll take a tour around the island just to see what's new. I used to live there years ago but Oahu has gotten so much more populated that traffic rivals that of Los Angeles. On the other hand, there is a nice shop on the way to the grocery store that makes fresh pineapple juice. It is so good with breakfast.
Once I'm home, I have about two weeks before I head off on another extended trip. This one takes me to Phoenix and San Juan Puerto Rico. My routing takes me through Seattle to New York before heading to Puerto Rico. This uses my preferred airline. I'll be traveling over night so no hotel but I do arrive with very little sleep.
I think its time to invest in a decent sleep pillow so I hopefully will get a bit of sleep before I hit my destination. Both trips are to attend conferences but I think I put an extra day in there so I can explore San Juan a bit before the conference starts. This is the trip, I'm stopping off to visit my parents on the way back home.
After another week, I'm off to Los Angeles for a few days for another conference. I'm still waiting to see if I'm going to fit in a trip to Finland after LA and before I have to go back to work. I had a coworker ask me if I ever take a trip, just for me?
Honestly, I don't because I can only attend conferences in the summer and I don't have time to take trips just for me right now. If I manage to go to Finland, I am going to leave a few days early so I can make a stop over in Iceland for a few days. Although, this will be the first Christmas, I don't have a previous engagement, I might fly somewhere just for me. Before you think its an odd time of year because its cold most places. Please remember, I live in Alaska so most anywhere is warmer, even if its snowy there.
I'm thinking of trying to go somewhere just for the fun of it next summer. Maybe I'll head down to Tahiti? Who knows. The future is written in stone yet so perhaps I can have fun. I am not the type to take a tour. I prefer just wandering and exploring on my own.
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