Contrary to popular opinion, this is the time of year when most Alaskans get cabin fever. We have to be at work but the outdoors calls our name to go play.
I hear the wind calling my name but I'm stuck indoors working when I'd rather be out walking across the tundra, enjoying the sun light.
In a couple weeks, the early greens will start poking their heads out of the ground and everyone goes out to enjoy these beautiful reminders of spring. The birds are returning so instead of the usual motorized sounds of ATV's and Snowmachines, one can hear the hello chirpings of the returning birds.
It is a huge celebration when birds return. I love walking up the road to the old airport with the wind gently tickling my ears while I listen to the birds singing in joy at returning home. In the distance, some of the lakes are still frozen and ringed with snow but more have melted. Its almost to the point where the men can pull their boats out and put them on the river.
Every spring, the local school celebrates spring by having three days devoted to the local culture. Usually, trips are arranged to take students out to ice fish but this year, everything has melted so much, they can't do that. I think the trips will actually be walks out on the tundra with the elders giving students lessons.
This is the time of year I love best. In addition, the school hosts dancing two to three nights so children can dance for their parents showing what they've learned during the year. The first night they dance alone, the second night the parents and other family members join in. It is a joy to see.
Usually, Friday night would signal the beginning of Winterfest, a celebration where dancers come from other villages but this year it was held back in March so there will be no added dancers this year.
I'll be taking photos of activities and dancing to share with everyone. Have a good day.
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