She also made a comment about trying to eat a more vegetable based diet but it wasn't right for her blood type. She has to have fish, every so often.
I'd never heard of the blood type diet but apparently there is a book out there on it. Apparently, your type of blood determines the type of exercise and best foods a person needs based on genetics. After doing some reading on the internet, I discovered this diet has been around since the 1990's. There are articles for and against the diet.
As far as I can tell, there is not a lot of scientific evidence to support the idea of blood types. In fact, it appears some of the basic suppositions are incorrect based on current technology. For instance the book states type O is the original blood type but evidence indicates it is actually type A.
It appears this diet does work, not due to blood type but due to the fact it recommends a much healthier diet. One with lots of fresh fruits, vegetables, grains, etc, food the body needs to stay healthy.
Good diets all seem to have one thing in common, the recommendation of healthy foods preferably made from scratch because most prepared food is full of salt, sugar, fats, and preservatives. I know when I eat meals made from scratch, my weight drops to a certain amount, and I feel quite good. I exercise regularly and feel much better than when I eat lots processed foods.
I think the bottom line in regard to diets is not to diet to loose weight but eat a well balanced diet with a moderate amount of exercise integrated and a person is set. My mother has always said "We do not diet to loose weight, we make changes to lifestyle to make us healthier." I think she was on to something.
Let me know what you think. Have a great day.
Your mother sounds like a very wise woman :)