I remember when C-U-C-Me came out and was the rage for college students all over. C-U-C-Me was the predecessor to video conferencing. Students would set up a web cam in their room, in the rec rooms, anywhere they could think of and the cameras would be on 24/7.
I was telling a friend about it one time at a meeting and all the sudden we were surrounded by a bunch of male college students who were anxious to talk to someone who knew about it. I never thought I'd be so popular.
Now there are social media accounts where people post everything. A friend posted pictures of her newborn so the family members could see the new one without waiting for the parents to develop the pictures and send them out via snail mail. I know others who use it to communicate with friends about up coming trips, reviews about restaurants and other things. I even know a few students who are going steady with someone in another place.
They communicate via text and Facebook and consider themselves a couple. These relationships don't seem to last any longer than any other teenage romance. Many times, they meet at a basketball game, a wrestling game, volleyball game or other sports event and over the weekend they get to know each other. Before one person heads back to their village, they are a couple! It amazes me.
Do I communicate via the internet with friends? Yes I do but I don't do it via a Facebook page. I prefer sharing my thoughts and ideas via my blog. I don't plan on sharing everything. I can tell you I had a lovely spinach salad with walnuts and miso, smashed cucumber pickles with salt and garlic and for the main course a green tofu curry served on a bed of rice but I don't need to tell you about how I spent my day.
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