If you look at the internet, many websites list tons of suggestions down to the exact brand and price. I figure you have to know your mother well to figure out what to get her. For my mother, she loves growing flowers so I try to find some type of flower that is easy to care for and are pretty so I usually send her some sort of orchid. I found one on Amazon that you drop an ice cube in like twice a week. She loved it when I sent it.
Although there are tons of suggestions, most gifts end up falling into one of 10 categories.
1. a gift of a relaxing day at a spa where mom can spend time getting pampered, massaged, and taken care of so at the end, she feels like the most important person out there. Most mothers don't have time to indulge themselves and this is perfect.
2. Chocolate, chocolate, and more chocolate. Most mothers enjoy chocolate, especially if its one of the more expensive brands. I love when I can swing one of those fancy bars with different flavors like ginger in dark chocolate or toffee with sea salt so some years I try to get one of those for my mom because she has a sweet tooth.
3. Flowers are always a nice choice in May, especially here in Alaska because in many places, the snow has not melted and there is still a layer of snow on the ground. In addition, flowers are a nice touch that brighten a day and make you feel so special.
4. If you can't afford a day at the spa for your mother, how about some beautiful candles combined with a great bath set and time out of the house so your mother can have her own quiet time to enjoy it all.
5. My mother drinks coffee and is particular about the French press she uses so I keep my eye open for those on sale when her's is starting to get old. On the other hand, my sister-in-law appreciates one of those fancy machines that will make coffee exactly the way she wants. You might want to consider getting her either a coffee machine, or new cups.
6. Mother's Day is a great day for purchasing some perfume for her. Maybe get another bottle of her usual or perhaps purchase a brand she has always wanted but never gotten for herself.
7. This is a time to buy her something she's been wanting but hasn't been willing to buy for herself. It might be a cookware set, a cashmere sweater, or a pair of shoes. One year I bought my mother a pair of Nike sneakers because she needed them and she'd never spend the money on the for herself.
8. If you mother has a garden, take her down to the local nursery to pick out something like a fruit tree or starts she'd love for her garden but wouldn't buy for herself. I've gotten my mother rose bushes because she loves them but isn't willing to buy them.
These the most popular gifts given to mother's on Mother's Day. Let me know what you think, I'd love to hear. Have a great day.
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