Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Apothecary Museum.

Apothecary is the term used long time ago to indicate drug stores or pharmacies where you'd get your medicines.  The museum takes you through the history of the field from then to recently.  It even explains the history of various signs used to indicate the pharmacy.  It includes the explanation of how the current red A came into use.

Over time, the state has collected intact "shops" to place in the museum.  The displays show the development of pharmacies over time.  The pictures are not in any particular order but each shows a style from the past.

Some of these remained in families for years until such time as the families moved on to other careers so things were sold off to others, eventually ending up here.

Some of these apothecaries fell into disuse but were brought back into use during World War II when drugs became scarce and the country had to rely on more natural remedies.

Although each has a different style, the make up of each is about the same with drawers for herbs, bottles of things and the tools to make the medicines.
The above picture is just one of several in the basement showing some of the tools used by pharmacists through time.  There are also several displays showing many ingredients used in these preparations.

I loved wandering through the museum because I love science, herbs, and history.  If you are ever in Heidelberg, you should check it out.  Let me know what you think.  Thank you for letting me share my journey with you.

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