Seems to me, I heard they found moisture on the moon in some of the moon. I don't think they found a pool of water, just molecules and vapor. Can you believe it? Water on the moon! I remember when they said there was no water there.
A few years ago, someone kept telling me about the man in the moon. She insisted he really existed and could prove it! I said fine, show me. She went to a guy's personal website where he posted his beliefs on that topic. That was her proof. I pointed out the lack of scientific evidence from reputable sources like NASA or JPL. She was miffed and stated with full authority that those people were only trying to hide the truth.

Someday, I'd love to go up to the moon and check it out. I'd love to be able to run huge distances in a skip, hop, and a jump. I'd love to check out the rubble of dirt and the rims of the craters. I'd love to check the dark side to see how it compares to the front side.
Maybe some day I'll do it. Just maybe.
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